A garden in Eden good Lord planted in the east; in such place there is me that Lord had formed, and out of the ground very long time ago; Lord made to grow every tree that was pleasant to the sight and good for food, of which among the well particularly known red juicy fruits one, known from time to time as the tree of knowledge of good and evil, next to it, another, history does not talk to much about, and like the red friut one, green ones instead; the tree of feeling no shame. A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, forming the lands of Havilah, where there is gold, there my Castle remains, since good Lord said that gold of that land is good, a good place for home it is, hence once before a genius man millions of green apple seeds dropped all aver the place. And as before in history, I was told to freely feed my self of every tree in the garden, many years have passed that out of the tree of good and evil men shall not eat, and such rule does not exist anymore, as the cure for it has grown all around.
There is a sign at eden's door now days, warning that no men living at this place should be alone, same as Lord said at the beginning of days. Also the product of the rib, flesh of man's flesh, has with time multiplied in dozens per male. Therefore once every fifth and sixth day, as my friends get invited to my home, they leave their routines and cleave to their twelve best chosen girl-friends, to dance and eat out of the green and red fruits and as Moses said: become "sort of" one flesh?.
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